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      11-01-2021, 07:40 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by dreamingat30fps View Post
Can you be allergic to edibles? I swear depending on the dose and the brand some edibles make me feel like my nose get super clogged up and I can't breathe. Horrible. Others make me feel chill and others knock me the fuck out and I sleep like I baby... I like those.
Some are Sativa-based and others are Indica or, again, hybrid somewhere between the two. That's what determines whether something is calming, or high-inducing or a combination. The levels of CBD/THC and their ratios will determine how it makes you feel. Experimenting to see what you prefer/like , like with beer or anything else, is how you determine whether, or what, you like.

As to allergic, that would, again, be like wine or beer. You could be allergic to elements within (gluten...) but I've not seen anyone allergic to the edibles themselves - so check with your dispensary for more information.

Originally Posted by Tommy-G View Post
OK, where do I get these type of things????
Your local dispensary. If you can buy it at your local head-shop or convenience store - that's CBD and isn't anywhere near the same thing.

Originally Posted by Murf993 View Post
Sure, but who eats 1/4 cookie?
Who eats a 1/4 cookie? - those who are following the dosing instructions. It can take 2-3 hours for effects to be fully felt so consuming more than recommended is on the consumer. People who come here for Cannibis-tourism and ignore the doses, have inferior experiences than those who consume responsibly. Since the results of over-indulging are paranoia, being "baked", unsteadiness... (like all intoxication) and nearly impossible to cause harm - unless again like with any other intoxicants you do harm to yourself like waliking into traffic.... those too will pass.
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