Thread: Today's Society
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      05-17-2018, 01:21 PM   #9
King Rudi
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Originally Posted by Joekerr View Post
In some respects, I believe Dave 90TT is right - the older generation always complains about the younger. So I think there is an element of this going on if I were honest. I'm not old, but I'm not young either at 36, but the fact that I feel the way my grandparents felt already, suggests to me that it is more than just the usual intergenerational complaining.

Rather, I feel something is indeed wrong - and a lot of it is to do with parenting. We've had a generation who branched off radically different from their parents and no longer physically discipline their kids, and in fact, appear to rather "negotiate" with them. And I use this term lightly, as I just saw it in action (and the parent admitted they were in "negotiations" with their kid). I use it loosely, because the kid wound up getting exactly what he wanted, and the parent did not. So that is not a negotiation. Further, parents do not follow through with the consequences they say will happen to the kid. Better to say nothing at all in that case.

And so now, we are reaping the fruits of this style of parenting, what is worse, is it is compounding in the new generation of parents thinking they are so enlightened and I feel we are going further down the rabbit hole.

But this parenting with no consequences / no discipline leads to an ultimate lack of respect for any authority because they have never had an authoritarian figure in their life.

On the Atlas Shrugged book - it is a very long read, but if you have the time, you might just enjoy it. I remember reading it 15 years ago and being a little scared, but then thinking - no, society could never devolve into the society as described in the book...but sadly, I feel I am starting to see movement to this way.

Basically, in a nutshell without ruining the book for you, society starts out with hard workers, industrious people, people who are experimenting, and reaping the rewards in terms of wealth. But society devolves and suddenly these people are viewed as evil, and the people held in esteem are those whose needs are the greatest. And it becomes those whose needs are greatest that are honoured and looked after, and all on the backs of the people who are actually working. And ultimately, Atlas (being those who are actually contributing to society and working hard) "shrugs" off the weight, but I won't tell you exactly how that happens.

Suffice to say, I could happily live in the aftermath of the "shrug" and let the rest of the world do what they want.
Very well stated and I can not dispute a single word.

There are factors that have played heavily into the posting of this thread but I don't feel the details are as important as the general idea; but yes, you are correct. The lack of parenting I feel is what started the snowball effect.
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