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      02-27-2024, 11:49 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by TheMidnightNarwhal View Post
Wait what? Roundabouts are factually better than any other type of intersection. What do you mean they aren't a good idea lol.
Originally Posted by Car-Addicted View Post
Opinions vary but for me, two lane 4 way laws are simple. Multi lane roundabouts are bedlam but looks like I'm a minority

I agree with both. I think two problems in the U.S. contribute to our reluctance to accept them. Years ago a lot of roundabouts in the U.S. were poorly designed, constructed, and marked and they were confusing and hard to use. The other problem with acceptance is their rarity. They are so few and far between the unfamiliarity when American drivers encounter them does make them confusing for a lot of drivers. As the mayor of Carmel said, politicians don’t want to risk getting “unelected”. Carmel had the advantage of being small enough that making the conversion was manageable and the mayor was extraordinarily committed to them. Unfortunately, in a city like Chicago I think the obstacles to making the conversion are pretty much insurmountable. At this point even if there was public acceptance the logistics make it virtually impossible. Roundabouts take up more space than square intersections and there are businesses located at virtually every intersection that would be displaced and put out of business.

Speaking of sitting at red lights unnecessarily. There are several places on my daily route where I take side streets with four way stops, because it’s faster for me to make a couple of quick stops at stop signs and keep moving rather than get stuck sitting at a traffic light all by myself or even sitting in a line of traffic at a traffic light.
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